Feb 15 - May 2, 2024
Thursdays, 6-9p PST
SUAW (optional): Saturdays, 11am-1pm PST
Online via Zoom
$725 CAD
DEADLINE to apply Feb 12, 2024
(There are a limited number of scholarships available, scroll down for details).
Let's do it all again!
SO! You attended Level I (or have a clear idea about what to create), and you're ready for the next step. Part I was about exploring and making decisions. Now, let's level you up: Part II has you creating your show.
the prerequisite:
1) Level I, OR prior approval by TJ (please email if unsure)
2) A clear idea of the following:
-what kind of show you're creating
-what your show is about
-which techniques you'll use
-your show's structure
Of course, any or all of these things may change as you work, but be ready to describe them in the first class.
the format:
The course lasts 12 weeks, with:
-One formal class a week (Wednesdays, 6-9pm PST)
-Optional Shut Up and Write Sessions (Saturdays, 11am-1pm PST)
The class starts with a short pontification regarding the creative practice. Then, we split into two groups. Each student presents 5 minutes of new material for feedback from instructor and the group.
No matter where you are with your show, you’ll present five minutes of new material a week. Naturally you can throw out your idea and start again at any point. And then next week, come in with five minutes of your new or revised idea. And so on. Make sense?
In the optional Shut Up and Write sessions, participants check in, state what they’re going to work on, and for one hour, everyone shuts up and writes, buoyed up by the common intention of the group. After the hour is up, people are free to share what they wrote with the group if they’re ready to. These will be peer-led (don't worry, we'll make sure you know what you're doing).
the goal:
you'll end the course with a first draft of your solo show, thoroughly workshopped at each stage of development.
Doesn't that sound fun? So what are ya waitin' for? CLICK BELOW AND JOIN US!
View Your Instructors Here!
(please note: TJ will only be there for the first class)